Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Water restrictions will go into effect despite overflowing at Sooke Lake Reservoir


The CRD’s Water Conservation bylaw will take effect starting May 1st, which means residents of the Greater Victoria area should prepare for another summer of reserved water use.

These restrictions will apply to all residences, businesses, and municipalities, despite reports indicating that the Sooke Lake Reservoir – the region’s main water supply – has been overflowing with rainwater since late December 2017.

According to the Water Conservation bylaw, people in the area will only be allowed to water their lawns and plants two days a week, during predetermined hours.

Although an expansion of the local reservoirs would solve the problem of water shortages, the project has not been approved as it is estimated to cost $100 million.

The CRD has also posted a list of suggestions on how best to conserve water:

  • Let your lawns go dormant and turn golden during the Summer. They will naturally turn green once Fall rains return.
  • Water your plants as needed, and use mulch to help them retain moisture.
  • Don’t wash your vehicles any more than is necessary for safe driving/sailing.
  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor areas like patios and driveways.
  • Remember to turn off the tap and do full dishwasher and laundry loads to keep saving water indoors.

Click here for more details on the bylaw.

Brishti Basu
Former Senior Staff Writer and Content Manager at Victoria Buzz.

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