Evil Acres presents two terrifying haunted houses known as Slaughter House Extreme and The Darkness Maze! The gates to evil opens October 10th until November 1st. Trespassers only welcomed between 6:30pm to 11pm. It is so scary it is NOT recommended for children or cowards. Be prepared for intense graphic and gory scenes that will have you on the verge of peeing your pants!
We’re giving away two pair of tickets, good for both houses. To enter to win:
1. Share this contest with your friends and family on Twitter or Facebook and leave a comment below telling us you’ve done so. (1 entry)
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2. LIKE EVIL ACRES on Facebook and leave a comment below telling us you’ve done so. (1 entry)
2. Follow on @evilacres Twitter and leave a comment below telling us you’ve done so. (1 entry)
3. LIKE & Comment on this Facebook Post and leave a comment below telling us you’ve done so. (1 entry) http://bit.ly/evilacres
Contest ends October 15th at 11:59 p.m. Two winners will be drawn at random.
Have any questions? Please email: info@evilacres.com or visit their website: www.evilacres.com