Friday, September 20, 2024

Saanich police arrest teen after posting a threat on social media


Saanich Police have arrested a 15 year old male student after a threatening post was made on a popular social media site. He allegedly posted a picture of a weapon and a caption warning students not to attend school the following day.

Saanich Police were contacted immediately by several witnesses after the post was made last week.

Police worked with school officials from School District 61 to ensure the safety and well-being of students at the area high school in question. Officers were posted at the school, both on the exterior of the school, as well as inside.

Investigators were successful in identifying a 15 year old male student as a possible suspect. Information to support an arrest was obtained and the student was taken into custody without incident at his home.

The teen told investigators he never intended to harm anyone, and that the post was simply meant as a joke. He has released from custody with several conditions including not to possess any weapon and refraining from using any social media site.

“A considerable amount of Police resources were committed to this investigation and we are pleased that our investigators were successful in identifying and locating the suspect in this case” Saanich Police Detective Inspector Terry Parker said. “In cases such as this, where there is a perceived threat towards a public institution, every necessary resource will be used to bring the suspects to justice and to ensure the safety of the public”.

The social media group which was operating under the school name was not authorized and has since been removed.

Charges of Mischief Under $5000 have been recommended and the information from the investigation has been forwarded to Crown for charge approval.

Victoria Buzz Staff
Your inside source for Greater Victoria happenings. Established in 2012.

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