Friday, September 20, 2024

Here’s how downtown Victoria is celebrating Small Business Month this October


October is Small Business Month!

Small businesses are an integral part of our society and economy. The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic were especially challenging for small businesses in downtown Victoria, as they rely on tourists and local office workers as customers. With most people still working from home, and without the usual heavy tourist populations over the last two summers, small businesses are still working every day to stay afloat.

Why October?

October is a shoulder month in most small businesses, business typically slows as the summer winds down and before we start thinking about holiday gifts and events. That’s why we want to encourage you to support downtown’s amazing small businesses during this Autumn month.

Did you know?

  • 98% of business in BC is small business 
  • Small businesses employ over one million British Colombians 

What’s the big deal with small business?

Remember that small businesses are the lifeline of individuals. Small business owners consider staff as family and want to keep them employed. These owners work tirelessly every day to offer products or services tailored to the needs of our local community. Their business is an expression of themselves and they care deeply about serving their community. When we shop small, we make a direct and positive impact on someone’s life.

We vote with our dollars. When we spend at small businesses, we support our community.

Throughout the month of October, the DVBA will be introducing you to a myriad of small business owners. Check out for more information and follow along on Instagram to meet the faces behind some of the amazing small business in downtown Victoria!



This article was written in partnership with the Downtown Victoria Business Association. 

The Downtown Victoria Business Association (DVBA) is a business-led non-profit with the mission to nurture and promote the vitality and vibrancy of downtown Victoria and its business community.

Downtown Victoria Business Association
The Downtown Victoria Business Association (DVBA) is a business-led non-profit with the mission to nurture and promote the vitality and vibrancy of downtown Victoria and its business community.

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