Wednesday, September 18, 2024

BC health-care workers COVID-19 vaccination requirements will remain in place


The BC Ministry of Health announced today that all health-care vaccination requirements surrounding COVID-19 will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

Currently, workers in the BC health-care system are required to have their primary series of COVID-19 vaccinations, unless given exemption by the provincial health officer (PHO).

The vaccination requirements for all workers in the health-care system–including hospital, community and residential care workers–were updated on September 12th to align with the updated Health Professionals COVID-19 Vaccination Status Information Order, which was issued in early June.

These requirements do not apply to regulated health professionals such as dentists, opticians and naturopathic doctors.

According to the province, the trajectory of the pandemic over the next few months is uncertain and it remains important to be vigilant, given the significant spread of the COVID-19 virus in the province and around the world.

The elderly, immunocompromised patients in hospitals, residents in long-term care facilities, health-care workers and the overall health-care system are still vulnerable to COVID-19. The vaccine mandates are still in place to protect those populations. 

The fall bivalent booster is being made available to all BC residents in the coming weeks and the province is urging British Columbians to receive one with the winter approaching.


Here’s what you need to know about BC’s fall COVID-19 booster shots

The Ministry of Health and the PHO are continuing to work with our regulated, public and private health-care professionals on informed decision making for the safety and health of BC residents.

Curtis Blandy

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