Monday, May 6, 2024

Six BC residents in their 30s died from COVID-19 since pandemic began


In today’s COVID-19 press conference, BC’s top doctor announced three additional people in their 30’s have died due to COVID-19 over the past few weeks.

This marks six deaths from people in their 30’s since the pandemic began. Two of those deaths were residents living on Vancouver Island in the Cowichan Tribe.

Below is a breakdown from British Columbia’s Centre for Disease Control’s situation report for Week 6:

The median age for cases of COVID-19 is 37-years-old and the median age for deaths due to COVID-19 is 85-years-old.

Dr. Henry insisted today that COVID-19’s severity can also affect young people.

While deaths between the ages of 20-29 remain at zero, those in that age range make up for most COVID-19 cases.

These numbers suggest that those in the 20-49 age range garner the highest cases of COVID-19.

Risk of transmission has always been an issue with COVID-19, but with increasing numbers of variants there is especially cause for concern.

With spring break on the horizon for students come March, Dr. Henry’s advice to young people was, “Think local.”

To date, 1,348 people in BC have lost their lives to COVID-19.

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