Monday, May 13, 2024

Letter to the Buzz: Victorian calls on residents to help change housing crisis and living wages


An anonymous Victoria resident aiming to addresses housing challenges and economic disparities is seeking input on proactive solutions beyond passive activism.

Organizing a march is under consideration due to the limited impact of existing advocacy groups, however,  all other ideas are being sought.

Letter to the buzz:

Should we plan a march or something for housing?

I want things to change so badly, and I am tired of passive activism.

What can we do to change our city, our province, our country? Politicians know people are struggling and desperate, but little is being done.

I would suggest a march for housing and wages, but protests work best with one defined objective, as we learned from Occupy Wall Street.

I know of many tenant advocacy groups and non-profits; I am part of many, but I think it’s high time we put our empty wallets where our mouths are.

I know some people oppose action like this, and there will be some colorful comments, but I can’t just watch things unravel.

It’s maddening how bad things are, how expensive, how unchanging. It’s frustrating how often people respond to concerns about the state of things with “move.”

The housing crisis is catching. Moving to a different city, province, or country won’t change anything. It doesn’t have to be a march if anyone has a better idea. Taking action is what matters.

I implore you all to use your voice to drive change.

Vote, be an active citizen, and help educate others whenever possible.

Join local and provincial-wide non-partisan and civic engagement education programs to learn more about government policies and crucial issues.

I hope this doesn’t turn into a pointless rant to the void. I hope I have the motivation to strive for change, but it’s not easy.

I’m not very smart and don’t know where to start. Sorry for the long ramble. It’s hard to summarize passion for change.


What are your thoughts, is Victoria ready for pushback. Do you have ideas on how to push for change?

Victoria Buzz Staff
Your inside source for Greater Victoria happenings. Established in 2012.

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