Wednesday, May 15, 2024

There’s a unique Christmas event coming to Victoria that will have no dialogue


Looking for a fun holiday activity? Look no further!

A unique presentation of the classic tale, A Christmas Carol, is sure to leave audiences full of wonder and inspiration!

The Belfry Theatre is thrilled to present A WONDERHEADS Christmas Carol, told in a fashion that has been described as ‘pure magic’ and ‘fantastic, in every sense of the word.’

The show will run from December 3rd to December 23rd, featuring glowing ghosts, 10-foot-tall puppets, and not a word of dialogue!

Every aspect of the storyline will be told through movement, music, and magnificent practical effects.

Belfry Theatre promises plenty of treats in store for audiences as they are whisked away into an incredible adventure with Ebenezer Scrooge on his magical Christmas Eve.

The show stars Kate Braidwood, Jessica Hickman, Sarah Robertson, and Pedro M. Siqueira, and was developed in Ensemble by Andrew Phoenix, Kate Braidwood, and Jessica Hickman.

The WONDERHEADS have spent more than a decade touring the world—from Los Angeles to Shanghai, they have gained critical acclaim and have sold-out audiences across the world.

Viewers have been constantly blown away by what they create, and describe the experience as watching animation come to life. 

They are winners of five Critics’ Choice Awards and twelve Best of Fest awards, stepping beyond words and into the hearts and imaginations of every audience member.

Tickets for this event are based on a ‘pay what you can’ spectrum and start at around $17.85—you can select your date, seats, and payment amount here.

A WONDERHEADS Christmas Carol

  • Where: Belfry Theatre, 1291 Gladstone Avenue
  • When: Sunday, December 3rd to Saturday, December 23rd—showtimes vary

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