Monday, May 6, 2024

Police across BC will now issue $2,000 fines for those found price gouging


As of today, Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth said those caught price gouging or buying and reselling medical supplies at an inflated price will receive a hefty fine.

The provincial government has given police and other enforcement officers the power to issue $2,000 fines to people who price gouge or resell essential goods, including personal protective equipment during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The measures are effective immediately under the provincial state of emergency through powers under the Emergency Program Act.

Farnworth, who made the announcement during a Sunday morning press conference, says Consumer Protection BC has already received more than 800 complaints about these types of practices.

“The province is also calling upon enforcement staff from local government and provincial ministries to support enforcement by issuing these tickets for the duration of the current state of emergency for the COVID-19 pandemic,” he said.

“British Columbians have enough to deal with right now.”

Effective immediately, police officers, municipal bylaw officers, liquor and cannabis inspectors, gaming inspectors, conservation officers, community safety unit inspectors, park rangers, natural resource officers, commercial vehicle safety officials and sheriffs will all be able to hand out fines.

There are multiple ways of reporting an incident of secondhand selling or price gouging including contacting Consumer Protection BC , reach out to your local by-law enforcement officer, call 311, or contact your local police department’s non-emergency line.

When reporting price gouging to Consumer Protection BC, make sure to include the following information:

  • Your name and contact information, for possible follow up
  • The type of product being sold, the new price, and the previous price if possible
  • Any evidence, if possible, such as a picture or receipt
  • The name of the business and the address, including the city

All these complaints will be investigated.

Additionally, tickets will also be issued as required to anyone who exceeds the quantity limits on the sale of specified items and hotels or lodging operators not providing accommodation for self-isolation facilities or to support essential workers.

Victoria Buzz Staff
Your inside source for Greater Victoria happenings. Established in 2012.

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