Friday, May 3, 2024

Greater Victoria Habour Authority moves towards powering docked cruise ships


The Greater Victoria Harbour Authority (GVHA) is moving forward with long-term plans to provide shore power for docked cruise ships.

The goal is to provide the infrastructure that will allow cruise liners to connect to the BC Hydro grid when they are in port instead of running off greenhouse gas (GHG) emitting engines.

A report by the consulting firm Moffat & Nichol says that a reduction of 46 per cent reduction of GHGs and criteria air contaminants can be achieved through the installation of shore power at two berths in Pier B at Ogden Point.

They say this would represent the equivalent of taking 1,394 cars off the road each year.

“Despite the devastating impact of COVID-19 on the economic strength of GVHA, we know the tourism industry and cruise sector will recover over time,” said Dave Cowen, Chair of the Board of Directors for GVHA.

“It is our intention that, with the support of the Board of Directors for this path forward, GVHA can pursue shore power in a timeline that dovetails with the global restart and rebuilding of tourism.”

To meet that goal, the authority will be seeking out funding opportunities and business partners to help with the projected shore power cost of between $23.3 million and $24.8 million.

GVHA estimates that by 2030, 85% of all vessels calling to the Victoria Cruise Terminal will be shore power capable; that number will increase to 95% by 2040.

The authority says they will also be developing an electrification strategy in line with the City of Victoria’s emissions reduction goals and the United Nations’ sustainable development goals.

Tim Ford
Tim Ford
Digital staff writer with Victoria Buzz

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