Tuesday, May 7, 2024

5 ways Victorians can winterize their homes to stay warm and save money


While it doesn’t seem like it quite yet, cooler temperatures are around the corner.

With that comes leafless trees, and crisp, cold air—and all of the elements you want to be protected from while inside of your home!

Regardless of how you feel about living in a cold climate, you probably shiver when you receive your winter heating bills.

So, with that said, here are ways you can winterize your homes, keep the cold outside and save money:

Inspect your home for leaks and cracks

The first and foremost step to winterizing your home is to inspect the interior/exterior for any cracks and/or leaks. You’ll usually find these on windowsills, concrete foundation, stucco exterior, and broken window latches/locks.

Seal these using the appropriate method. For caulking, remember that it’s done ideally in a warm setting inside your home, although durable outside brands are also available.

Perhaps it’s time for new windows

If you plan to embark on your next house renovation, window replacement is a great project that will surely pay off.

But only if you go with high-quality windows that match your house design, are energy efficient and bring high ROIs.

BC based Ecoline Windows offers the best energy efficient replacement windows, doors and patio doors for the residential market. They work directly with homeowners and the windows are manufactured in Canada.

They offer triple-pane windows on all models including slider and hung windows. Ecoline helps homeowners to get maximum rebates and government grants to finance their window replacement projects.

You can get a free quote and consultation for any project, and all Ecoline windows and doors come with product and installation warranty.

Cozy couch blankets and hot chocolates

While it’s so easy to just crank the thermostat to heat the home, your heating bill might reflect that in a short amount of time. Make sure you stock the home with cozy couch blankets and carry a nice supply of hot chocolate and lower the thermostat to a more reasonable setting.

Replace door weather stripping

Inspect the weather stripping around all exterior doors to ensure that it’s in good shape and not ripped, crushed, or missing.

Then, close the door and check for air-leaking gaps around all four edges of the door. Take a peek under the door. If you see sunlight shining through, you’ll need to either raise the threshold or install a door sweep.

Reverse those ceiling fans

While many associate ceiling fans with summer, they are also useful in the winter! Most fans have a switch—either on the motor housing or remote control—that allows you to reverse the fan-blade rotation.

In summer, the blades rotate counterclockwise to blow down cooling breezes. But in winter, reverse the blade rotation so they blow up. That way, the fan will force warm air trapped at the ceiling down into the room.

While there are many other tips and tricks to heating your home during the winter, having brand new windows installed by a reputable company should be top priority.

And with that being said, the number one reason most homeowners decide to replace windows is to boost energy efficiency and save money on annual energy bills.

Professional installers like Ecoline Windows say that the average heat loss through windows is reduced by ~40% when installing new double pane windows with an R-value of 5. The number goes even higher if you consider triple pane windows with LoE coatings that ensure an R-value of up to 7.

The most energy-efficient units can offer up to 55% house thermal performance improvement, which accounts for significant yearly energy bill savings.

Here’s to keeping cozy AND cost-effective this winter!

Ecoline Windows

  • Address: 535 Yates Street Suite 200,
  • Phone number: (250) 800-8647

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