Sunday, May 5, 2024

Spring-like weather on the horizon for Greater Victoria this week as the equinox approaches


The first all-sun, no-rain week of soon-to-be spring weather has donned on Victoria, and it won’t last forever.

Daily high temperatures are in the double digits with Wednesday as well as Friday through Monday expected to be above 11°C. 

(Environment Canada)

Daylight savings just stole an hour from all British Columbians, but Mother Nature is giving back temperature-wise across Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands for the time being.

Nanaimo, Tofino and Campbell River all have sun and double-digit high temperatures through this week and into next. 

Following this week, high temperatures will remain steady at 8°C and rain and clouds will once again be prominent in the overall 14-day forecast, so islanders will have to enjoy the sun while it lasts. 


According to the Farmers Almanac, the oldest publication in North America which began as a way to predict weather and astrological patterns for the agricultural industry as Canada was settled upon by colonists, this spring and summer hold hot but humid temperatures for Vancouver Island. 

The first day of spring according to the Farmers Almanac is March 20th and the equinox begins at 2:24 p.m. in Victoria. 

Following this equinox, the Farmers Almanac predicts Vancouver Island will receive considerably less rainfall and the average temperature will climb through April as the cherry blossoms flower along with the tulips and the lilacs begin to blossom. 

May will be similar to April with slightly increased temperatures and additional rainfall predicted while June and July will begin to really heat things up across Vancouver Island. 

(Farmers Almanac 2023)
Curtis Blandy

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