Wednesday, May 1, 2024

BC Hydro says high temperatures could set records for energy usage this May


A heat wave is inbound this weekend on Vancouver Island and Greater Victoria’s forecast calls for nothing but sun.

Victoria’s weather forecast is calling for 30°C highs every day from Saturday May 13th through until Thursday May 18th and onward. 

With an impending heatwave, energy usage across the region is bound to go up with folks plugging in additional appliances such as fans and air conditioners. 

(Environment Canada)

BC Hydro announced that they are expecting this May heatwave to break records for power usage due to the cooling appliances in people’s homes. 

Despite the record-high demand that BC Hydro is anticipating, they are assuring British Columbians their power grids will be able to handle the extra loads. 

Even with the record-high heat, the load on BC Hydro’s grids is only anticipated to be around two-thirds what it is on the coldest day of the year in winter.


BC Hydro also announced they are cancelling any planned outages so that customers will not have to be inconvenienced while trying to keep cool.

In order to save money during a time of extremely hot weather, BC Hydro recommends Victorians close their blinds or drapes on their windows, keep doors and windows shut, use fans and look into using energy efficient appliances such as heat pumps to cool their homes. 

Curtis Blandy

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