Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Daylight Saving Time comes to an end this Sunday


Ready for an extra hour of sleep on Sunday?

Daylight Saving Time comes to an end across Canada on November 4th. As the clock strikes 2 a.m., it will need to be moved back one hour to reflect the hours of sunlight we get during winter.

In Canada, DST traditionally starts on the second Sunday of March and the first Sunday of November.

The country has observed Daylight Saving Time for over a century now, starting in 1908 – however not all parts of Canada change their clocks twice a year.

While British Columbia does observe DST, parts of the province do not, including Chetwynd, Creston, Dawson Creek, Fort Nelson, and Fort St. John.

DST was first introduced to the province in 1918.

But not everyone wants it

Back in September, delegates at the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) approved a proposal to discontinue the bi-annual time change that comes with Daylight Saving Time.

A single, permanent time zone may be implemented across the province after the resolution argued that “daylight saving time no longer serves a vital function in today’s connected economy”.

The delegates also contend that the costs of implementing Daylight Saving Time overshadow the actual “savings” achieved through its execution.

The UBCM has petitioned the provincial government to abandon the practice of making people change the time twice a year, and instead adopt a single time zone across the province.

Brishti Basu
Former Senior Staff Writer and Content Manager at Victoria Buzz.

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