Thursday, May 2, 2024

Victorians share the best grocery shopping hacks that help them save money


If you live in Victoria (or anywhere in BC for that matter), you probably want to find all the ways you can to save some money.

Surging inflation is causing a spike in prices for everyday things like food, housing, gasoline (this is a whole other story), utilities, and other goods we come to rely on.

The rising cost of meat and other grocery staples is forcing Victorians to change their weekly grocery planning and forcing many to reevaluate their budget and become extra cautious of their spending.

With all that in mind, we took to Reddit a couple of weeks ago and asked redditors; What are your grocery shopping hacks in Victoria (to save $)?

Here are just a few of the most popular bits of wisdom shared:

1. Shop in bulk at the Wholesale Club in Esquimalt


Several other redditors added to this suggestion including one who said “Seriously, this is the place. And have a group of friends to share large bulk items… especially spices, boxes of tomatoes, onions, etc.”

byu/mikevic80 from discussion

2. Flyers. If you cherry pick items on sale at save on, Thriftys, Fairway, Walmart etc you can save a lot.


3.  Costco and a deep freeze. Make a list. Stick to the list. Get in and get out without getting sucked into buying stuff you don’t need.

One redditor tossed a follow up to this suggestion reminding people to actually use what’s in your deep freeze. “My wife is addicted to buying things and throwing them in the freezer with no plan to cook them.”


4. I bought a small chest freezer last year and it’s a lifesaver. I know when a couple of supermarkets mark down their “on the edge” meat and poultry, so I hit them up then and freeze it. Watch for case lot sales… I scour the flyers. I also subscribe to r/budgetfood and r/EatCheapAndHealthy.


5. Actually meal plan. For a week at a time, or more. Buy only what you’ll use (use butchers, produce stores, cheesemongers where you can buy exactly what you need, not family packs only.

Use leftovers, avoid waste. Use your freezer, too, to manage leftovers. Bulk Barn and other bulk stores where you can buy small amounts, without paying for branding and packaging.

The sales cycle is usually 6 weeks, so if you load up in sales, buy 6 weeks worth, then replace in the next sale.


6. The Flipp app and don’t be afraid to price match and compare. Not on sale = no sale.

Many other redditors suggested this app as well. It loads all the latest weekly ads, deals, and coupons, from more than 2,000 stores.


7. The only way to save money is to spend less. Which seems obvious but it just comes down to changing how you spend.

So either: Change what you buy – which is going to be buying in bulk , getting things on sale , or giving up expensive foods . Sign up for apps etc. that make it easier to see what’s on sale , and actually pay attention to stuff on sale and buy with the future in mind.

Get things that are in season and save them for later. Maybe we shouldn’t be getting fresh fruit , term used loosely, from around the world. 


8. Eggs for breakfast and then rice, beans and a veg plus a sauce is a delicious lunch or dinner. Use meat as a garnish and not the main event.


9. Buy in bulk. Eat more beans, even cheaper if you cook from dried. Strangely enough, grocery delivery. The fewer times in the grocery store, the fewer impulse purchases.

Using beans to extend the meat is a widespread cultural practice.


10. Buying meat in bulk at Costco and separating and freezing it at home is definitely helpful for saving money


These are just some of the great tips offered in the thread. Click here to see more and of course, share your ideas in the comment section below!

Victoria Buzz Staff
Your inside source for Greater Victoria happenings. Established in 2012.

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